Minced Meat Indian Samosas



Let’s prepare

For the samosa dough:

It is very important that prior to using it, you must sift the flour (which, for crispier samosas is good to use rice flour) 2 or 3 times. Mix the sifter flour (400 g) with salt (1 tsp) in a large glass bowl. In the center of the mixture, create a “well” where you pour the sunflower oil (6 tbsp) and slowly, while mixing, the water (~190 ml). If it seems like it needs to absorb more water, do not be scared to keep adding, since the brand and type of the flour you use could vary. Knead the dough with your hands for a few minutes until you think it is soft and smooth enough. Then cover it with a damp cloth and let it rest in a warm place for 1 to 2 hours. It is good you check it every now and then, so it does not over-proof. 

Samosas stuffing:

While you’re waiting for the dough to rise, prepare the stuffing you like for your samosas. To make them as authentic to Indian samosas, the best choice would be to cook a vegetable stuffing, or one, which includes chicken or turkey meat. In our case, we chose minced meat, and more precisely, a mix of pork and beef (it is the best!).

Start with the minced meat. Stew it in a pre-heated non-stick pan on middle heat. Make sure you are constantly stirring, so that it does not end up in big chunks of meat, but it finely distributed into small pieces. Add the salt (1 tsp), the ground cumin (1 tsp), the ground chilli (1 tsp), the garlic powder (1 tsp), the grated ginger (1 tsp), the turmeric (2 tsp) and the coriander leaves (1/2 bunch) and mix. Add the chopped onions (2) and mix well. Make sure the mixture is dry and has no liquids. If you’d like to, you can add some mint and mix again. When it is ready, take it off the heat and let it cool.

Back to the dough:

When the dough has proofed, take it out of the bowl and roll it out to a nice thin dough sheet (make sure your surface is covered with flour, so it does not stick to it). Cut it into rectangles and using the picture shown, fold them into funnels. Use water to stick the edges, so that the stuffing does not run outside of the samosa. Stuff them with the cooled minced meat mixture and “close” the funnel, again using the same water technique. Next, it is up to you how to finish your dish. You can bake the samosas in the oven over medium heat until golden and crispy, or you can fry them until you get the same result.

Serve the Indian samosas with any kind of chutney you’d like. We chose spicy mint chutney. You can find the recipe for it HERE.

Apane bhojan ka aanand len!

Preparation time:

30 minutes

Cooking time:

3 hours

Calories per serving:

∼ 623 kcal