Indian Rogan Josh


Let’s prepare

You cut the lamb meat into even pieces (~2-3 cm big) and chop the onions (3) and chilli peppers (if you choose to) nicely. Grate the ginger (1 tsp) and the garlic (7 cloves). Rinse the basmati rice (200 g) 5 to 7 seven times (depending on the rice you buy – the water should be clear when you are finished) and let it stay in cold water for about half an hour. 

In a thick-bottom saucepan preheat the sunflower oil (8 tbsp) on medium heat and fry lightly until brown on all sides. When ready, remove the meat from the pan and let the pan rest for 3-4 minutes, so that the oil could cool down a little bit. After that, put it back on the heat and add all the spices except for the hot red pepper powder (the cinnamon, the bay leaf, the cumin, the green cardamom and the clove). Add the chopped onions (3) and just a little bit of salt and let it stay on the heat until golden. It took us about 10-15 minutes. Have in mind, you should stir every now and then, so it does not stick to the pan. 

Next, add the grated garlic cloves (7), the ginger (1 tsp) and the chilli peppers (2) if you use any, and stew for another 3-4 minutes. Put the meat back in pan, along with all the sauces it has released and stir well. 

In 100 ml water add the hot red pepper powder and some turmeric (~1 1/2 tsp) and stir until well combined. When done, add to the meat and mix nicely. In another 2-3 minutes, add the well mixed yoghurt (6 tbsp) and 350 ml water (if you find the mixture too thick, do not be scared to add more water). Put the lid on and let it simmer for about 40 minutes. 

In the meanwhile, prepare the basmati rice (200 g), removing it from the water and adding it to a saucepan with another 300 ml of cold water. Add salt (1/2 tsp), put the lid on and turn up the heat to the maximum. Right after it starts boiling,  bring down the heat to the minimum and brew for 10 minutes. Right after those 10 minutes, serve the basmati into a big plate (so that we break the cooking process) and let it rest for 5 minutes. 

When everything is ready, serve a portion both with rice and the lamb meat and top with a good amount of sauce.

Preparation time:

40 minutes

Cooking time:

40 minutes

Calories per serving:

∼ 651 kcal