Chocolate Lava Cake


Let’s prepare

Melt the dark chocolate (200 g) using the double boiler method. When ready, take it off the oven. Add the butter (200 g) to it and mix until fully absorbed.

Moving on to the eggs (3 medium), separate the whites from the yolks. Add the yolks (3) to the chocolate batter and mix nicely. 

And we keep on adding stuff to it! Next is the pre-sifted all-purpose flour (50 g), the lightly mixed egg whites (3) and the caster sugar (50 g). When everything is mixed perfectly, add the vanilla for its great aroma.

In advance, cover well the cake form with lightly-melted butter (I do it straight with the package, which has stayed out of the fridge for a while) and the flour, so that the lava cake does not stick to it.

Pour the batter up to 2/3 of the forms and put them to bake for 8-9 minutes at 200° C (390° F).

When serving, we usually prefer taking them out of the forms and placing them in a beautiful plate. If you’d like to, add a scoop of ice cream and sprinkle with cocoa powder on top. 


Preparation time:

5 minutes

Cooking time:

25 minutes

Calories per serving:

∼ 547 kcal